Hi, I’m glad you found me. My name is Casmire Okafor. I live in Lagos State, Nigeria with my most supportive wife and our two little boys.
Growing up was tough for me. I was raised up by my mother, a widow who gave me lots of love, but was financially challenged. I was sent to stay with a man as his clothing store assistant.
After seven years of apprenticeship, my master made me believe he was going to settle me financially. I was sent back home to wait for him.
Has he come?
Not yet. Well, I’m still waiting.
I was shocked when I heard he had secretly sold his two shops and traveled abroad. I was devastated.
I had no money! I decided to do something; I must leave the village, look for a business and hustle like others as usual.
What would I do then?
Well first, I asked my mum; mum can you raise me some money? Fortunately for me, she did raised 10,000 Naira ($55) which she borrowed.
What next? Lagos here I’m!
Doing what?
I found myself cleaning fairly-used TV and Radio sets for buyers in Ladipo Market, Mushin Lagos, for 50 naira – sometimes making 300 Naira ($1.50c)a day.
It was at that point in my life that a good friend (Mr. Samuel Obianyi) invited me to a business seminar.
When I got there, it was a Network Marketing or MLM business presentation. They began to explain and explain…, I was told that I should join and get 3 people who would get their 3 people join as well – who also get their 3. To cut the long story short, I had about N8,300 ($43) then, I joined and started building the MLM business.
The result…
3 years into the business, I became one of the top earners in my Network Marketing opportunity, built a multitudinous downline organization in Nigeria and beyond; became a President team member and produced another president team member, over twenty world team members earning six-figure monthly income; and more than a hundred mid-range directors making decent income from their business.
That is not all…
Can you imagine a previously frustrated clothing store apprentice boarding an Airplane headed for Cape Town, South Africa!
That was my firs experience 3 years into building my business.
But that is still not all…
I was at the Excel center, London for a lifestyle event. After one week, I was notified to start warming up for the next Convention in San Francisco, California USA.
I have been to Game Reserve in Sun City, South Africa. Visited Zambezi River Victoria Falls, Zambia. Walked with Elephant at Elephant Sanctuary, Hartbeespoort Dam near Pretoria South Africa. Relaxed at the Dubai beaches, Visited the most tallest building in the world and kissed my beautiful wife at Grand Hyatt hotel Dubai.
Hmm! With this kind of lifestyle, even Olive Twist can never ask for more!
In the middle of all these success, something happened …
Slowly but steadily my overall group volume began to drop and so was my earnings…. It was as if my whole world was crumbling before my very eyes and there was nothing I could do
Something I wasn’t aware of that I should have done right before then…
Although, the experience had a positive effect on my business.
I began searching for the REAL solution. Fortunately for me I was able to partner with some mentors who showed me how to make even more money than what I was making in Network Marketing.
I began applying what I was learning; It has really changed my business positively. Then I realized I could help others build their business the right way. And to effectively do this; Make Smart Income was born.
I also created this blog CasmireOkafor.com to share my knowledge with you about network marketing and internet marketing success.
I know there would be many who are still struggling to build their network marketing business; it presents a better approach to multi level marketing . . . an approach that really works.
Dear friend, are you considering getting started in this industry?
Or you’re already in but need some ideas to help you build your business fast?
I highly recommend you visit this blog regularly and take advantage of my FREE Home based business training resource and leverage off my years of experience. And when you do, you could like me echo the words below when i was asked if I succeeded ?
“I remember when i started my own business its like yesterday. No money, no budget, no idea of what I was getting myself into. But today, I’m hitting it BIG”
Yes, you read it right. I’m really hitting it BIG with the network marketing business – here in Nigeria. In fact, in one single month, I made 4 point-something million Naira ($20,000) as profit. Long story short.
Now, who’s next?
Of course, I guess it should be YOU. Yes, your own success story – Important! Rewrite your financial story TODAY like countless other by starting your own Home based business.
Connect with me on Social Media
To your success,
Casmire Okafor