10 MLM most important questions

10 MLM Most Important Questions To Ask Your Prospects

10 MLM most important questions - you must know the answers. If you've been involved in network marketing and trying to generate prospects online, this video training is for you. By applying the information I shared, as prospects contact you, you will save yourself a lot of time, avoid frustration and recruit more new members in your business.
Casmire Okafor - MLM Coach In Nigeria

What You Can Do Differently About Your MLM Business in 2017

mlm business in 2017They say that if you keep doing the same things, you can expect the same results. In order to grow your MLM business in 2017, you may need to make some changes... Regardless of where you are at in your MLM career, there is always room for improvement. In some cases, those improvements can involve drastic changes, and in other cases it may simply be a case of honing your existing skills, and transferring more of those skills to your team members.
Casmire Okafor - MLM Coach In Nigeria

How to Become a Network Marketing Authority

network-marketing-authorityHow do you become a network marketing authority? Most people would think that it will require years and years of experience, and building a massive passive income over the space of many years. The reality, though, is quite different from that... Whether you are viewed as a network marketing authority or not, will depend not on what you have achieved, but on how other people view you. It's all about perceptions.