home-based-businessIt is always a tough question when you want to start a home based business: MLM or not? Should you be going after affiliate marketing, selling physical goods, selling services, or network marketing? The answer to that question depends on a number of different factors – but if you make some good choices and apply some basic principles, MLM or network marketing can be a great venture. Well, it basically comes down to what you want, how quickly you want it, and what resources you have at your disposal. The typical person starting a home based business does not have access to much capital , and usually not much of time either. If you need to make some money fast, without worrying about the longer term, you may want to look at selling your own services online, or even doing some affiliate marketing. If done correctly, it can pay well… Unfortunately, this type of venture has one big flaw: If you are selling physical goods or any form of  home base business service which requires your presence, once you stop working, the money stops coming in. On the other hand, network marketing or MLM is an investment in your future. You will be working hard at the start, with possibly very little money coming in for the first while, but once it picks up speed everything will change. (there are exceptions – some people start flying right from the beginning, and make good money soon) Unlike other forms of home based businesses, MLM works in such a way that you can eventually stop working completely if you want to – and still have money coming in. Once the level beneath you is filled up with active people, and they ware working to create wealth for themselves and for you, there is not much you need to do besides keeping them motivated, and maybe offering some advice here and there. You could compare MLM and other home based business models to fruit trees and vegetable gardening. Vegetable gardening produces crops much sooner, but once it has been harvested, you start from scratch again. On the other hand, when you plant a fruit tree, it takes a long time before it starts bearing fruit – but once it does, it will do so for many years to come, with little work from your side. There are, however, a few things you need to look at very carefully when considering going into MLM for your home based business: 1. Is the product or service sensibly priced and useful? If it is all opportunity cost and no value, everything will collapse at some time in the future. 2. Do you feel comfortable working with the person who exposed you to the concept and/or company? He or she will need to support you and supply answers to any questions you may have. 3. Are you willing to work on it consistently?  If you can just devote a little time to your network marketing home based business every day without fail, success is inevitable. An MLM home based business is not about getting rich quick – but it is about building a lucrative business with long time success. Question: Which of the home base business would you like to start?

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