So how exactly do you get inactive MLM team members to take action?
Become the person you want them to be. In fact, be better. Be all over the place. Be the one who talks to the most people every day, and/or makes the most phone calls every day. Be the one who does the most presentations every day. Be the person who goes to every single event and training session. Of course, that will mean that you won’t have any time left to spend with them and try to get them to take action… But, you may ask, what good will that do? Well, firstly, when they see you all over the place, they will start thinking what it is that you know that they don’t. Curiosity has a way of spurring people into doing things they otherwise wouldn’t. Secondly, you will be “moving on” and almost be “building a new team”. When you start engaging with those team members and acknowledging their successes and commitment even on social media regularly, your inactive MLM team members will start feeling left out. They will note your success, and how you are surrounded by people who are committed to their own success, and they will realise that the only way to be part of the group (and your life) again is to become one of the circle of committed, working network marketers. Thirdly, you will be leading your “new team” by example from the start, and the ones with potential will be inspired. By showing them how it is done on a daily basis, you will have fewer inactive MLM team members among those recruits right from the start. Once again, this won’t work on all of your inactive MLM team members or “sleepers” – but it will get through to the ones who have the sense to take note of the potential success, and spur them into action. You don’t need to activate everyone (especially not the ones who demand lots of your time and put in zero or little effort) – just the ones that will go on to make you money.If you enjoyed this post on How to get Inactive MLM Team Members to Take Action, retweet and comment please
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