marketing your home based businessWhen marketing your home based business, the choice between free or paid methods can be a tough one for many people, especially if paying for the opportunity is already a strain on your budget. Many people have the misconception that either the free or the paid methods are better, but in fact both of them depend on some specific factors, and only you can decide what works best for you. When it comes to using free methods in promoting your network marketing business, the results will depend partly on how much time you have available to put into it every day or week, partly on your level of skill regarding the methods you choose to use, and on the methods you use. For instance – connecting with people on social media like facebook is relatively easy, but at first it usually takes a while before you have enough friends or connections to reach enough people. On the other hand, when you marketing your home based business working with keyword optimized articles, it also takes a little knowledge to get them ranked well in Google, but once they do, you could have a lot of visitors coming in (and these are very targeted or interested visitors). Writing articles, however, may be terribly tough for someone not accustomed to typing, or who does not really know what to write. Alternatively, marketing your home based business by starting a blog cost next to nothing, and the more you post valuable content the more people will come to it. However, at the start it may be slow – so it takes daily commitment for a long time before you really start seeing results. Then there are other methods like posting ads, using traffic exchanges – which provide instantaneous visitors – but the success rate of these are very low, so you have to put lots of time into it before you see any results. Considering the above, it might seem as if paid advertising is the answer to marketing your home based business – but not necessarily. Firstly there is the matter of affordability – some people really have very little money, and on top of their monthly MLM costs, there may be nothing left in their budget for marketing your home based business with paid method. On the other hand, not all advertising is sensibly priced, and not all advertising is effective. Think of it as fishing – if you put the wrong bait (opportunity) in front of the wrong people (not the right type of client or prospect), your money is wasted. As such, even if you can afford to do some paid advertising, I would suggest you take some advice from your sponsor or an expert who can guide you, or you can also do some research to see how other people using the advertising channels you want to use. Being prepared to marketing your home based business – putting your money in the right place the first time, can make the difference in your home based business success… Remember, good marketing strategy is the in-thing. Question: What marketing method are you using to market your home based business?

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