MLM-SponsoringIn MLM sponsoring, many gurus proclaim to know many secrets – although they usually share none of those with their students. There is, however, one BIG secret that many network marketers overlook… Before we get to the big secret, allow me to state some facts: Among the people you market in your MLM sponsoring process, some will be interested, and some will be indifferent. Some of the interested ones will sign up, and some of those will drop off again in a relatively short while. As such, given the assumption that you are doing your best you can to generate leads and refer new customers, the next opportunity you have to cement your success is by reducing the number of failures in your downline. The more successful downlines you have, the more money you will make. On the other hand, if your downlines make money, or they can at least see their teams growing, they will stay around for longer. But how do you achieve that? Here’s the BIG secret for MLM sponsoring : “Become the sponsor you always wanted to have”. Remember, the word “sponsor” is derived from a Greek word meaning “to be responsible for“. As such, when you sponsor someone into your network marketing opportunity, you are responsible to help them as best as you can to be successful. In fact, when you recruit someone, you create specific expectations – he or she may expect to make a certain amount of money in a certain period of time. He or she may expect to be financially free in a year or two, depending on what they were shown in the presentation. Fair enough, nobody can guarantee the success of another – but you can do your best to prevent them from failing, and always be there whenever they need you (even when they do not realise that they actually need your help when you offer it). What would your “ perfect MLM sponsor ” be like? Do you base your expectations on his or her availability, willingness to help, or the ability to offer advice or motivation whenever you need it? It is most likely a unique combination of all of the above. Therefore, you will have more successful downlines in MLM and fewer failures, by becoming the sponsor you always wanted. As such, you will be able to make a LOT of more money for the same amount of work being put into recruiting. For instance – let’s say that in your MLM sponsoring, out of every ten people you recruited, just one would normally go on to make you money. If you can add just one more out of every ten people, you will double your income. Do the math… Additionally, you will earn the respect of your downline, and they will be able to vouch for your credibility to potential prospect. So, hare is the point again: Become the sponsor you always wanted to have in your MLM sponsoring.

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