A lot of MLM leaders struggle with a lot of things. One of the biggest struggles is how to motivate your MLM team members and yourself. Motivation in network marketing is an important element. It should be done everyday. Both you and your team members need to be motivated.
Most of us, at times, feel like things will never work out the way we want them to. It is crucial to know how to motivate your MLM team members- and yourself at times-to ensure long term commitment and the scale of success that you desire.
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The fact of the matter is that failure is a normal part of any business, and it is not limited to network marketing alone. The person who can absorb, and keep going despite continuous rejections, will ultimately be the one who reaps the rewards. In order to arrive at success, you have to be willing to keep working THROUGH the failures.
How to Motivate Your MLM Team Members in Hard Times
You might wonder, how do you remain motivated, and motivate your MLM team members (especially new and inexperienced network marketers) when they feel like giving up?
You can give this advice I am about to give you to anyone who needs to hear it.
First, take a step back and decide who and what you want to be in two or three, and five years from now. It is expedient that you have both a long term, and short term goal. Ask yourself what do you want your life to be like? What would you like to earn, own and do? Focus on the end result. Get that picture in your mind, make it crystal clear and detailed, and hang on to it.
Whenever you (or anyone else) feel like giving up, think about the grand prize: Your ultimate lifestyle. One of the greatest opportunity that MLM business offers is an ultimate lifestyle, and long lasting comfort, not only for you, but also for your family. This vision should always motivate your MLM team members. The picture of this benefit has to be so clear in your mind, and what you are aiming for has to be so great, that it will make it worth your while to carry on when times get tough. Just like the old seamen of the middle ages were willing to sail through the most terrible storms – because they believed that a great discovery awaited them just beyond. And just like an athlete who suffers and makes sacrifices every day from childhood right up till the day he or she gets that Olympic gold medal. They can keep going because what they are aiming for is worth any amount of effort and sacrifice.
Be Motivated By Other Successful People
Secondly, think back on all those hugely successful people before you – who have gone through continuous failures before they were eventually able to achieve success. Think about the guy who started Starbucks coffee shops. His application for business finance was turned down 247 times before someone finally helped him to get started. Think about Colonel Sanders from KFC whose franchise proposal was rejected more than a thousand times before someone started taking him seriously.
Also remember that the small group of people who took Sanders seriously, were all millionaires within one year after they started. Back then a million dollars was a lot of money.
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Just imagine what would have happened if any of those people stopped just before talking to the one last person who finally opened the door for them…
Nothing. And after all the effort they put into it, nobody would have blamed them. But they didn’t. They simply tried one more time.
What if it Gets tough and You Can’t Motivate Your MLM Team Members?
When times get tough, and you face rejection after rejection after rejection, nobody would blame you if you gave up. After all, you did try long and hard enough, right?
Yes, absolutely. But you never know whether your next presentation may be to someone who will make you a lot of money. You never know if your next presentation will land you a network marketing “star” who will make you rich.
You simply don’t know what you don’t know.
And if you quit now, you will NEVER know.
Can you risk not having everything you want in your life?
I wouldn’t dare. And that is what motivates me, and my MLM team members when the going gets tough.
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