So How Does Network Marketing Failure Manifest Itself?
1. In most cases when people are facing network marketing failure, replicating fails at the point of recruiting new members, when they are unable to bring their point across to others. They fail to “copy” their enthusiasm, their vision and their belief in success to the prospect. There are only two ways to avoid network marketing failure: a. Learn everything you can about selling. Learn from people like Jay Abraham, Seth Godin, and the top network marketers. Unfortunately, this takes time, and is also limited by your capabilities. Some of us take naturally to selling, and some don’t. b. Join a team that has a simple MLM marketing system where you do not have to do any hard selling. That’s the route I choose – because I know there are other people who can sell much better than I can. That’s why I joined the right team. All I have to do is to make people aware of what I do, and expose them to our system – the rest is taken care of. 2. Another thing that causes network marketing failure is when your new recruit fails to see the need to work as hard as you would. not everyone shares your sense of commitment and your solid belief in success – and unfortunately, most people are not really willing to work for it. They expect it to just “happen”. If you are recruiting offline, be careful when picking people for your network marketing business. Keep in mind that your success in this business depends on the success of the people you’re bring in, and your replication or network marketing failure depends on the quality of the person your bring in. Also make sure that you join an opportunity that is as easy as possible to market to minimize the effort required for replication. If you see someone who will not be an asset to your income, slash the time spent on him or her and move on. This is not about being nice – this is about your FUTURE. Do NOT let negative or push-and-start people hold you back from what YOU are willing to work for. Pick your prospects – and invest in bringing in people who share your vision and enthusiasm, but also people who have the capacity to replicate themselves. 3. Lastly, there is the inability of your network marketing downline to replicate themselves. Yes, you can train your direct referrals to do as you would – but what about three or four levels down? That’s where (in most cases) the REAL money lies – and you have NO control over those people. So… When network marketing failure threatens your success: 1. Look for a system that does all the selling for your recruits. 2. Don’t waste your time on people who are not serious. 3. Pick something that is as easy as possible to promote. It’s as simple as that.If you enjoyed this post on Top 3 Reasons For Network Marketing Failure – And The Solution, retweet and comment please
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