network marketing vs a jobIf you compare network marketing vs a job, most people will immediately choose to have a job. The way we were taught and raised makes this a common sense choice.When you start exploring in more detail, however, the picture looks a lot different. Most of us were raised with the point of view that good people learn hard and get good grades. Then they get jobs, work hard and advance their careers. Unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way any more. By the time they retire, most people are unable to sustain their standard of living because their pensions simply do not provide well enough. That doesn’t even take into account all the years of your life wasted due to unnecessary stress, and the state of your health as a result of that upon retiring. Is it really worth it? Is it worth working like a slave your whole adult life, and not being able to enjoy the things in life that you want, and still end up broke or poor when you retire? It makes no sense. Why would anyone play a game with such high stakes if they knew they were bound to lose? The only logical solution is to be in business, and preferably a business that will grow to a substantial annual turnover. The reality: Network marketing vs a job: Firstly, let me be clear that network marketing is not for everyone. If it was, everyone would be doing it. it takes work and dedication to make it work, but the beauty of it is that you can start part time. Once your income from it is big enough, you can quit your daytime job, and never work for a boss again. But… It is the most sensible way of creating a solid future for yourself without having to borrow lots of money to start a business. It is an option open that is available to most people.

Now, let’s compare doing network marketing vs a job:

In a job… 1. You have set hours that you need to adhere to. 2. You can not make so much, no matter how hard you work. 3. You need permission for everything you want to do – literally. 4. Your ideas and innovations are often swiped off the table by an ignorant boss. 5. Other people often get credit for things you did. 6. The company chooses when you may take leave. 7. If you had enough and leave, you risk not finding another job. 8. When you retire, you will probably not be able to sustain your standard of living indefinitely. 9. If you stop working for whatever reason, the money stops coming in. 10. Salary increases are limited to your ability to secure a promotion.

But in network marketing…

1. You choose your working hours. You choose how many hours you want to work per day. 2. There is no limit to your income. Really. 3. You work for yourself, so you can choose what to do and what not – and when. 4. You are free to implement and test your ideas, and when they work, it makes you more money. 5. Getting credit becomes irrelevant. You see your rewards in your commission check. 6. You can take a day off, or go on vacation whenever you choose to fit it into your schedule. 7. If you are unhappy and quit the company, you take your clients with you to the next opportunity. 8. If you built your team well, you will retire in style, and probably retire early. 9. If you choose to stop working for any period of time, the commission checks still come in. 10. Salary increases are only limited by your own willingness to work, your willingness to learn new skills, and your ability to innovate – things that are not always appreciated when you work for a boss. At the end of the day, it is a matter of common sense. Do you want to have a hard life, and an even harder retirement? Or do you want a good life, and an even greater retirement? Do your own comparison: network marketing vs a job – and decide for yourself.

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