Ray HigdonIn this network marketer review of Ray Higdon, we see an interesting phenomenon. Originally from a business background in real estate investment, he appears to have a very interesting approach. Keep in mind as you read the following review –  never “failed”. It seems he was never the “struggling network marketing professional”. He also never did it part time. That does not, however, take anything away from the fact that what he teaches works, and is based on common sense and business logic: Ray Higdon used to be a property investor. He was very good at it, too. Unfortunately, when the global recession hit, the laws of economics took over, and how good he was became irrelevant. Overnight he came crashing down from being hugely successful to having around $300 in his bank account. While he didn’t fail, he does know what it feels like to lose a lot, and be with his back to the wall. As such, his situation is likely to resonate with many potential network marketers out there. Instead of deciding to wait until the markets stabilize again, and simply continue on his previous course, he chose a totally new direction in life: Network marketing. It is ironic that he was introduced to it by a friend shortly after his own misfortune. While he immediately saw the sense and the potential in the concept, he did change companies a few times before he settled. Ray Higdon was in the fortunate position that he came from a business background. However, that does not detract from the fact that what he teaches is solid, do-able and sensible. As a businessman he was used to looking for, and finding, any possible flaws in any business proposition and agreement. Being good at doing his due diligence is what made him a successful investor, and it certainly played a substantial role in how he went about finding the right network marketing opportunity. As a business person, he was able to spot weaknesses in the business model or promotional model of any company he chose to join, and was able to identify these weaknesses fast enough to limit financial losses to himself. Despite his background of business experience, Ray Higdon immediately realized that network marketing is all about duplication. What he was capable of was irrelevant. All that mattered was how much he was able to teach his downline. As such, he set out to compile training material that empowers everyday people with the basic necessary skills to be successful in acquiring and dealing with prospects. His premise remains that whatever he teaches to his recruits should be simple enough not only to be do-able, but simple enough for them to teach to their downlines.

Ray Higdon’s Blog

Ray Higdon value-based contents attract a lot of Network Marketers to his blog – RayHigdon.com and he is also the #1 Top MLM Blogs In 2016. As a result, his training material contains a combination of short term (direct prospecting) and longer term (attraction marketing) techniques. He acknowledges the fact that some people might just not be good at prospecting, and pays a lot of attention to the “how to” details, but he also advocates engaging consistently in putting out content for attraction marketing – which will eventually speed up your success rate. At the end of the day, as you can see from this review of Ray Higdon, he used his abilities to figure out what works, and then found a way to make it work for everyone in his downline. His most publicised work was “The Three Minute Expert”. It is a course designed to help people establish themselves as credible network marketing professionals, even if they have no prior business experience.  

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