Casmire Okafor - MLM Coach In Nigeria

What You Can Do Differently About Your MLM Business in 2017

mlm business in 2017They say that if you keep doing the same things, you can expect the same results. In order to grow your MLM business in 2017, you may need to make some changes... Regardless of where you are at in your MLM career, there is always room for improvement. In some cases, those improvements can involve drastic changes, and in other cases it may simply be a case of honing your existing skills, and transferring more of those skills to your team members.
Casmire Okafor - MLM Coach In Nigeria

Bad MLM Habits: These 5 Habits Will Absolutely KILL Your Business

bad mlm habitsThere is one big reason why most people fail at network marketing: Bad MLM habits. You see, success - in any business - comes from doing the right things over and over again. Unfortunately adding "the wrong thing" to the way you do things can render all your efforts useless - just like adding one wrong ingredient to a recipe can ruin the food. Listed below are - in my opinion - the 5 top "bad MLM habits". Any of these can ruin your MLM career - so be careful to avoid them.
Casmire Okafor - MLM Coach In Nigeria

MLM Career: How Your Habits Determine Your Result

mlm careerIt may sound overly simplistic, but it is true. The outcome of your MLM career will be determined by your habits. Fair enough, it is not the only factor at play, but it is a "make or break" factor, which could either take you towards success, or keep you from achieving it. Allow me to explain... Success is the result of doing small things right, over and over again.