The Best MLM Opportunity – Are You In Search of One?

best mlm opportunityYou may be looking for the perfect, or the best MLM opportunity where you live, or where your target market lives. You may be surprised at the answer to that question - so read on... We all want the same things in life - health, wealth and happiness. Yes, our definitions differ. Some of us want a bigger house than the next marketer, and some of us want to spend more time travelling than the next successful person.
Casmire Okafor - MLM Coach In Nigeria

Alliance In Motion Global Scam Review – What It Is In My Own Opinion!

Alliance In Motion GlobalAlliance in Motion Global is a relatively new (new in Nigeria) MLM company from the Philippines. There have been some talk about them being the number one network marketing company in the world - which isn't the case just yet, but maybe that's what the owners are aiming for. However, once a new MLM company has its momentum - it usually attracts bad news around it. Some online writers who want your money would want to divert your interest by tagging AIM as scam. Never mind them.
Casmire Okafor - MLM Coach In Nigeria

Vemma Update – The Sad Part and Implications?

vemma updateLooking for a VEMMA update? Here is a quick update on Vemma - a seemingly legitimate MLM company who recently ran into trouble with the Federal Trade Commission in the United States: What happened? Although the actual contents of the complaints will obviously not be available to the general public, the basic problem the FTC has with VEMMA is this: