Casmire Okafor - MLM Coach In Nigeria

Alliance In Motion Global Scam Review – What It Is In My Own Opinion!

Alliance In Motion GlobalAlliance in Motion Global is a relatively new (new in Nigeria) MLM company from the Philippines. There have been some talk about them being the number one network marketing company in the world - which isn't the case just yet, but maybe that's what the owners are aiming for. However, once a new MLM company has its momentum - it usually attracts bad news around it. Some online writers who want your money would want to divert your interest by tagging AIM as scam. Never mind them.
Casmire Okafor - MLM Coach In Nigeria

Ray Higdon – The Truth About Him Revealed

Ray HigdonIn this network marketer review of Ray Higdon, we see an interesting phenomenon. Originally from a business background in real estate investment, he appears to have a very interesting approach. Keep in mind as you read the following review -  never "failed". It seems he was never the "struggling network marketing professional". He also never did it part time. That does not, however, take anything away from the fact that what he teaches works, and is based on common sense and business logic: