One of the greatest mistakes most network marketers in Nigeria make is offering their products and business opportunity to the wrong target market. Knowing how to choose the right target market is the beginning of result-oriented marketing. By reading this article you’ll be able to identify your target market and what they want so that you can position yourself to attract them First, what is a target market? The market segment that has the potential to elicit your most wanted response is your target market If you plan to succeed in network marketing you better know who these persons are—- including the things they are interested in, the needs they have and problems you can help them solve Why? Because a successful business comes from giving the right people what THEY want, not what you want to sell So who are these people? One example is worth more than a thousand explanations Assuming your business is weight-loss. Which target market comes to your mind? Did you say people who are overweight or obese? The truth is that overweight or obese people is not a target market, it’s a wide market for weight loss products. A more careful examination will reveal a couple of good target markets in that example. People who have bought weight loss products before Parents with overweight children Middle-aged Parents battling with their weight Can you relate to the frustrations and concerns that are unique to each of these target markets? Let us analyze their situations and see how you can know them better so you will be well positioned to attract them People who have bought weight-loss products before Consider what they may be thinking or how they may be feeling; and what their ‘unique’ problems may be l  For example, do you think they may be frustrated about all the failures they’ve experienced trying previous weight loss products? If you want to attract this group of people, you should…. Try to relate to the pain and disappointment they experienced when they failed before  Why? Because if you don’t think about these sort of things
  • You cannot understand their personal needs and concerns
  • You cannot offer real solutions that will attract them
  • You cannot structure your marketing message to address those needs
  Parents with overweight children Do you think parents might have their own unique set of concerns about their kid’s weight problem that are different from the first example? Find out what those concerns are to be able to attract this group   Middle-aged Parents battling with their weight Do you think they might have their own unique concerns? This group might be thinking more about the immediate health problems they’re dealing with right now that are associated with their weight Or… The fear of a heart attack or diabetes They might be worried about living long enough to see their grandkids You have to find out what their feelings are because:

It’s not about you, not even about your ‘miracle’ product. It’s about them

 Remember this: Avery product or service is designed for specific people in mind, including your network marketing products and service. Therefore, your job is to find out who your potential customers really are. In summary: Define Your Target Market Identify their Needs Address Those Needs


Now that you know what target marketing is all about, how can you Position yourself as an expert who has value to provide? Position yourself so you could be found by your target market? Click here to learn more on positioning

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